Wood Bison Health Management in WBNP
Individual Province Focused Surveys
Many of our past surveys were simultaneously directed at stakeholder groups from western and central Canada. We are currently advertising identical surveys to residents of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario. Each province has its own advertising campaign to try and ensure equal opportunity and representation in the results. The survey is condensed compared to our other stakeholder surveys and, therefore, quite a bit shorter at approximately 7 minutes.
If you wish to participate, please click on your province of residence below:
Rights Holder Surveys
To understand the local perspective on the issue, we are actively collecting responses in and around Fort Smith, NT. The survey was advertised on social media and will be advertised in person in the future. This survey is expected to take 5-7 minutes and participants can enter a draw for 1 of 3 $100 pre-paid credit cards.
If you wish to participate, please click here or go to https://survey.ucalgary.ca/jfe/form/SV_exowhrWBoCGvUc6.
A version for residents of Fort Chipewyan will be opened in the near future to coincide with a workshop there in late summer 2023.
Rights Holder Workshops
We held a workshop in Fort Smith, NT in February of this year. Attendees discussed their views of bison management and issues with the current management and research system in place for Wood Buffalo National Park.
An additional workshop will be held in Fort Chipewyan, AB in the second half of 2023.
If you are from Fort Chipewyan and interested in participating in one of that event, please e-mail bison.health.project@gmail.com.
Past Work: Stakeholder Surveys
We have had a few different surveys running in the past. These surveys only had minor differences between them to tailor specific questions to different backgrounds. These surveys took approximately 15 minutes to complete.
Although we have a newer condensed survey, we are still taking respondents in these surveys If you wish to participate, please click the name of the most applicable group for yourself (only one response is required if you are a member of multiple groups):
Past Work: November Open Houses
We hosted open houses in Fort Smith, NT on November 8th and Fort Chipewyan, AB on November 9th, 2022.
We discussed a range of topics with attendees, including:
where did the diseases come from?
what was done to manage the park bison in the past?
what is currently being done?